
Jesus is Waiting

On the Day of Pentecost, Paul quoted Ps 110:1 regarding Jesus, Sit at My right hand UNTIL I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet. Jesus is waiting for the Plan of God the Father to play out. Yet seated at the right hand of God the Father, Jesus has all authority over every name that is named, Eph 1:20-23. For now, Jesus is not exercising the full extent and expression of His authority. Rather, He is waiting…

During this period of waiting, Scripture tells us Jesus is doing two things:
1) John 14:1-6 Jesus is preparing a place for us. Think of it, for 2,000 years, Jesus has been building our eternal home!
2) While building our eternal home in heaven, on earth He is building His Church, His Bride, His Body. Matt 16:13-18. And this is where we come in, Jesus has invited believers to be part of that building project.

During the last week, in the Upper Room, Jesus wrapped up their last meal with prayer. In the prayer He made it clear, “As you sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:18-21. Later when He appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, Jesus repeated the call. John 20:19-21.
Principle: Every believer has been sent into the world to Make Disciples. The expectation of Jesus is that believers empowered by prayer and the Holy Spirit will continue His work, and accomplish even greater work. John 14:12-17; Acts 1:8.

Finally, as we contribute to the “building project” Paul declares every believer’s work will be rewarded! (1 Cor 3:10-15) This is the call and promised reward for every believer. But the accountability is personal. This is not the work of “the church.” It is the work of each individual believer, a work – like every work – that requires intentionality. A work- unlike any other work – in that it results in eternal reward!

The booklets on this site are intended to help equip believers to engage in “the Work.” The upcoming DM series 4 booklet, Serving the Lord specifically addresses the work we have been given to accomplish.
We are living in a unique time, our “normal” routines have been suspended. People have time to re-evaluate their lives. May God open to us doors of opportunities for spiritual conversations.

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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