
The First Step, Prayer

Over the last few weeks, I have touched on different aspects of making disciples. My focus has been primarily on the skills we need to acquire to become effective: Asking Questions, Telling our Story, being prepared to Present a Clear Gospel etc. These are all essential skills that come through training and practice. But these alone will accomplish nothing.

This is Spiritual Work. We have been invited to participate in God’s Kingdom Work. His Kingdom Work requires His power to accomplish. Let’s be clear on the nature of this work:
The Invitation: Matt 4:19 Follow Me and I will make you Fishers of Men.

We Carry On His Work
He who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. John 14:12-17
As the Father has sent Me, I also send you. John 20:21
Let that sink in. We have been adopted into His Family and “sent out” to continue His work. Then in John 14, Jesus outlines three supernatural provisions of God needed to accomplish His work.
vs 13-14 Prayer, If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
vs 15 The Word of God, Keep My commandments
vs 16-17 The Holy Spirit, My Father will give you another Helper..

So Today, we begin with Prayer. Who are the people in your sphere of influence who need Jesus? Begin to pray for them – every day, by name. Pray God the Holy Spirit would do His perfect work of softening their hearts and convicting them of their need for Christ. John 16:8-11

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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