
The Person of Peace

In our modern day understanding of making disciples and starting a disciple making movement, the “Person of Peace” has become a central element. What is a person of peace? and What is the Biblical background?

In Luke 10, having taught all throughout Galilee, Jesus was moving the emphasis of His ministry to Judea. In preparation for that ministry, Jesus sent out an advance team of 70 disciples, “in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come.” Their basic message was vs 9, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.” This passage outlines the instructions Jesus gave to these disciples. vs 2 It starts with prayer. vs 3 It will be difficult work. vs 4 Take no provisions. vs 5-6 As you enter a town, seek out a man of peace. vs 7-9 If you find a man of peace, stay there, receive his provisions, heal those who are sick, and announce the message. vs 10-15 If you are not received, move on to the next city. vs 16 the ultimate accountability of those who reject the message. vs 17-24 After completing their work, the disciples return back to Jesus and share their stories.

From Luke 10 has come our modern day expression of a “Person of Peace.” A person of peace meets three primary conditions:
1) They are open to spiritual things, they are open to hear about Jesus.
2) They are part of a group of people who do not know Jesus.
3) They have the influence within their group to invite others into the group.
It is the last two conditions that make a person of peace so significant. They have the potential to invite a disciple of Jesus into the group, or to carry the Gospel into the group themselves, hence creating or sustaining movement / multiplication.

The lessons in Luke 10 for the disciple maker are many, a great source of study for equipping disciple makers. Who are the people within my sphere of influence who are open to spiritual things? (searched out through intentional questions and telling My Story.) Next, is that person part of a group that includes others who may be open to spiritual things? Is there potential for a small group Discovery Bible Study?

I submit Luke 10 may also have a lesson for each local church. Jesus sent out an advance team to canvass each town in Judea. As a church, do we have an intentional strategy to canvass our respective town? It could be as simple as distributing some sort of invitation to come and hear about the kingdom of God.

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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