
Simple for Reproduction, Comprehensive to Grow

We left off last time with the question:
How do we reconcile the tension between simplicity – vital to reproduction, and the comprehensive training required to become grounded in our faith?

Simple for Reproduction

At the core of a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) is reproduction – disciples who make disciples who make disciples. It is where within a group of believers one is able to track generational reproduction. This person led this person to the Lord, who led this person to the Lord, who led this person to the Lord. This type of reproduction requires a simple process, where each new believer is immediately motivated and trained to lead others to Jesus.

At the heart of the training is helping the new believer share their “Story” of what Jesus did in their life. It is that simple. “I was blind, but now I see.” John 9:25 “Come see a man who knew everything about me.” John 4:29 No evangelism classes, no apologetics training, no theological debate. Jesus changed my life, and He can change your life.

For the seeker who responds to your story, and wants to hear more, we need to point them to Jesus. Central to this is leading them into the Word of God, and specifically, the Gospels. On this web site there are 3 of the Disciple Making Series booklets that can help. There is also a Discover Bible Study booklet on the Life of Christ.

Comprehensive to Grow

Once a person has trusted in Christ, then begins the life long process of learning and obeying all that Christ has commanded. As we discussed in the “Sound Doctrine Matters” blog, the entire Bible has been given to us so that we might know and obey – becoming more and more like Jesus. The Equipping Others to Make Disciples Booklets are designed to be a tool to assist in that training process. Throughout the booklets are Disciple Making Assignments that provide accountability and keep the focus on leading others to Jesus.

Two Aspects of the Great Commission

Both Simple & Comprehensive:
Part 1: Simple, The process of leading a person to Jesus must be simple and easily reproducible. “Jesus changed my life…”
Part 2: Comprehensive, Teaching to obey all Jesus commanded is a comprehensive and life long process.

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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