
There is an old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover,” yet we do that all the time. The immediate first impression of the front cover largely influences our evaluation of the book’s credibility and relevance. For this reason, I recommend you take the effort to print or publish these booklets in a professional manner.
(I am assuming two things: 1) You have concluded for yourself the content of the booklets are credibly and relevant, and 2) You are looking to instill a DM mindset, this is important.) The obvious options are to print the booklets yourself, or have them printed at a print shop. I have done both.

Using a Print Shop: I use a local print shop here in Northern VA that does a great job. They use a glossy white card stock for the covers, and a spiral binding. The booklets look good, and are easy to use since they lay flat. If you are in NVir, I am happy to assist you. (Ray@EquippedToDisciple.org)

Printing Myself: This clearly is the lower cost option, and much more convenient. However, it tends to put the booklet into the “just another church handout” category. I also use card stock for the covers, and the plastic 19 ring binding, again to make the booklets lay flat and easy to use.

The Value of Hard-copy: All the trends are moving to paperless, ebook, online study. The convenience is great, but I submit there is great value to sitting down in front of a hard-copy booklet, reading the passages, and recording your observations. There is another level of learning that is engaged as we record our thoughts. A nicely printed booklet can add credibility to the process, and become a vehicle the Lord can use to speak to us.