
Current Events & Spiritual Conversations

Since March, we have lived through the biggest changes in our lives. Many activities we had taken for granted, have been suspended. All of this has opened the door for meaningful conversations. More recently the brutal killing by a police officer has ignited racial unrest, and wide spread demonstrations.

Our greatest challenge in reaching our friends who need Jesus is breaking through the spiritual apathy gap – “My life is good, I have everything I need, God is irrelevant.” The missing skill is our ability to ask questions. A well placed question is the key to unlock a person’s innermost thoughts. Jesus was a master at asking questions. Even in the Garden after the Fall, God’s first response was to initiate a conversation by asking Adam and Eve questions.

EVERYONE is thinking and talking about not only the impact of the virus, but now also the racial tensions that have been exposed. My focus here is not to address the Biblical principles that apply, (every person is an image bearer of God, and worthy of love, respect and care). Rather, what do the current demonstrations reveal about the condition of our hearts? The usual flow of conversation will be about public policy and how to end racial injustice. But a well placed question can shift the focus of our conversations. An intentional, winsome question can begin a spiritual conversation.

“Look how much has changed over the last months, what does that say about our lives?”
“What is it about us that makes it so hard to live in peace together?”
“What is your greatest fear as things unfold?”
“What is the one thing that you can depend on through all this?”

Questions like this can open the door to honest conversation about the issues of life. After carefully listening to our friends respond, these conversations may give us opportunities to share the answers we have in Christ. We may be able to show our relationship with Jesus applies to real life, it is not just a Sunday thing.

We are all filled with uncertainty, may the Lord give us opportunities to share Christ.
1) Be in prayer for the lost people in your life
2) Be filled with the Holy Spirit, (DM Series 3, Sec 5)
3) Give prayerful consideration to good questions you can ask
4) Be intentional, look for opportunities, and be ready to give an answer, 1 Pet 3:15

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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