
Authority vs Power

Recent tragic events have led some to call for the reduction or abolishment of their local police. They have called into question the role of one of our most basic organizations, those responsible to maintain law and order. As with all cultural issues, there are Biblical life principles that must be acknowledged in order to arrive at wise conclusions.

To begin, there is a crazy important distinction between authority and power. Power is easy to understand. Authority – not so much.
We come to understand power at an early age, maybe on the playground. The oldest, biggest, and strongest kid is in charge. This child rules the playground due to raw power. Raw power almost always leads to “the boss” ruling for self gain, with no consideration for what is best for others. Unfortunately some people live their life operating under raw power. They abuse their spouse, bully their work mates, and reign over their country as a dictator.

Authority is very different from power. Authority is the legal right delegated to a given person or organization to exercise protection and care over a defined group of people. The entity in authority is given enough power to carry out their role of protection. Now here is where our Judea-Christian heritage is so important. All authority comes from God the Father. (not from royal birth or physical power) God has delegated His authority to certain entities for the orderly and safe function of society. God’s line of authority exists in EVERY area of His creation.

Beginning in heaven
God the Father is head, in authority, over Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 11:3 (Equal in essence, yet distinct in roles)
Jesus submitted Himself to the authority and Plan of God the Father, Matt 26:39, “Not My will, but Your will be done.”
Jesus is in authority over the angels. 1 Pet 3:22; Mk 1:27

Authority among Men and Women
God has delegated His authority to human government, for the safety, protection, and general welfare of its citizens. The apostle Paul, writing to believers living within the Roman empire: “Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” Rom 13:1

Lines of God’s authority extend to other areas of life including the responsibility of husbands, parents, church leaders and managers at work. Though not specifically mentioned in Scripture, we even see authority function in sports. The coach is in authority, and decides how the team will train, game strategy, who plays and who sits on the bench. Apart from authority the team could not function. And so it is with life.
God’s delegated authority properly carried out, is intended for our maximum blessing. Even the Great Commission to Make Disciples (the reason for this web site) is only possible as we operate under the authority of Jesus Christ. Matt 28:18

But what about….? There is much more to say about authority over the next few weeks….

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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