
A Prophetic Example from the Trellis & the Vine

Colin Marshall and Tony Payne published a pivotal book in 2009. They challenged ministry leaders to re-evaluate their focus. A trellis is meant to lift up and support the vine, so that the vine may produce much fruit. How foolish would it be for a vine grower to put all their effort in building an elaborate trellis while ignoring the health of the vine. And so it is with the American church. We direct all of our effort to building an elaborate trellis while ignoring the basic directive, to enable each believer to bear fruit and so prove to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. John 15:8

At the time of writing there were signs of the swine-flu. Now 11 years later what has become so profound is the last 3 pages of their book. Allow me to quote several lines:
“Imagine that the pandemic swept through your part of the world, and that all public assemblies of more than three people were banned by the government for reasons of public safety. And let’s say that due to some catastrophic combination of local circumstances, this ban had to remain in place for 18 months. How would your congregation of 120 member continue to function – with no regular church gatherings of any kind, and no home groups (except for groups of three)?”
“How would the work of teaching and preaching and pastoring take place?”
“How would new people be reached, contacted and followed up? There would be no men’s breakfast, no coffee mornings, no evangelistic courses or outreach meeting. Nothing.”

Great Questions. Our attractional, “come sit in the pew and watch our cool church show” totally breaks down. The authors go on to propose a new way to function:
“You would need to start with ten of your most mature Christian men and meet intensively with them… You would train these ten in how to read the Bible and pray with other people…” Stated another way, you would train and equip them to be disciple makers.

As we face the pandemic of 2020, may we as leaders of the Lord’s church be open to reevaluate our focus. May we seek the Lord for guidance and go back to the “forgotten ways” of making disciples who make disciples who make disciples. May we see God the Holy Spirit move through our communities and give us boldness to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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