
Jesus is Waiting

On the Day of Pentecost, Paul quoted Ps 110:1 regarding Jesus, Sit at My right hand UNTIL I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet. Jesus is waiting for the Plan of God the Father to play out. Yet seated at the right hand of God the Father, Jesus has all authority over every name that is named, Eph 1:20-23. For now, Jesus is not exercising the full extent and expression of His authority.…


a DM Hearer vs. a DM Doer

About a year ago, during a lunch conversation with another pastor, he said this:"I am done reading the books, and going to the conferences on discipleship." We both had been on somewhat of a journey into the whole discipleship thing, "What exactly is Biblical discipleship?" "How do we do that today?" We had reached the saturation point. We have heard enough. Our knowledge tank was full. Fortunately we did not leave it there. We had…


Sharing God Stories

Over the coming weeks, we will all have opportunities to share God Stories. Back in the day, we used to attend church on Sunday evenings. Once a month we had "Testimony Time." To be honest, it was not my favorite Sunday. I suspect I carried a mental attitude of spiritual arrogance. "I don't want to hear what other people have to say, I want to hear what God has to say in His Word." Now…