
Coronavirus & Spiritual Conversations

This week the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, travel restrictions have been expanded, the economy is in turmoil, all the major sports leagues have suspended the rest of the season, and March Madness college basketball has been cancelled. WOW! Our everyday lives have changed, the next few months are new territory. Our greatest challenge in reaching our friends who need Jesus is breaking through the spiritual apathy gap - "My life is good, I have…


Version 1 Church

In years past as I read and studied the book of Acts, I filtered my study through the lens of "That was then, but this is now." It was kind of like studying the events of the nation Israel in the OT. (You can pick up Life Principles, but need to be careful to keep in mind Israel lived under a different system, the Mosaic Law.) And so was my approach to the book of…


Count the Cost & the American Gospel

Last week at a local Missions Conference the speaker from the Middle East gave a story of leading a woman to the Lord. As part of his presentation, he warned her of the persecution that may follow. He cautioned her to Count the Cost. Wilkins in his book Following the Master shows that just as each Gospel writer presents a different aspect of Jesus Christ, so also each Gospel account presents a different aspect of…