
Things we can learn from Scripture, Example: the woman at the well in John 4

Compelling Truth

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The writers of the Declaration of Independence called certain truth "self-evident." Namely, there is a Creator God who created all men equal. Allow me to use the term "compelling truth." This is truth that demands the attention and response of…


Our Response to Authority (Pt 3)

Recent headlines caused us to look at the Biblical principle of authority. In Pt 1 we identified the distinction between Authority and Power. We defined Authority as the legal right delegated to a person or organization to exercise protection and care for a defined group of people. The entity in authority is given enough power to carry out their role of protection. And most notably ALL authority is delegated from God the Father. "For there…


The Abuse of Authority (Pt 2)

Last time we noted the difference between Authority and Power. I defined authority as the legal right delegated to a given person or organization to exercise protection and care over a defined group of people. The entity in authority is given enough power to carry out their role of protection. All authority is delegated, and ultimately comes from God the Father. Stated another way, all authority comes from God, and can be viewed as God's…