
Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a method of small group Bible Study that any group can use.  The core characteristic is to direct people to the text of God’s Word, and only the text.  The group is led by a facilitator who guides the group, but does NOT teach the group. 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

Discover the Bible
In small groups read and discover what the Bible says
Learn About God
What does this story tell me about God?
Who am I going to tell?
Learn and share God's word with others.
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“We are all here to learn from what God says in the Bible.” 

Distinctives of DBS

DBS is Reproducible!  Anyone who has been part of DBS, who understands the DBS process, can go out and start another DBS small group. 

A DBS group is not led by a teacher.  DBS is led by a facilitator who does not answer questions.   This point is critical to instilling the DNA of reproduction.  The facilitator does not teach, but must ensure the group follows the DBS process.   

How Does DBS fit into the Disciple Making Process?  When to Use DBS

Every disciple making opportunity is different, and there may be a combination of one on one relationships and small group relationships.  DBS can become a central part of the small group environment.  Consider the following sample scenario:

  1.  Engage Lost Larry:  The Lord has brought Lost Larry into your life.  You begin to engage Lost Larry with questions to begin spiritual conversations.  This leads to an opportunity to share Your Story.  Lost Larry begins to show interest in spiritual things, and becomes receptive to learning more about Jesus.
  2. Question:  Is Lost Larry part of a group of people where there may be others who express an interest in learning more about Jesus?  (work, sports team, apartment complex, etc) 

If Yes:  You can form a small group that uses DBS to explore what the Bible says about Jesus.

If No:  You continue to work with Lost Larry one on one pointing him to Jesus.  You can also use DBS when you meet together, and continue to seek out others who may be interested in joining you to form a small group.   

DBS is a great way influence lost people to seek out and learn about Jesus directly through His revealed word.  Once a person trusts in Christ, it is also a way to continue them on their journey, allowing God to speak directly to them through His Word.  

The DBS Booklet outlines the DBS process, and presents specific passages you can use to go through the Life of Jesus. 

The Life of Christ – A Discovery Bible Study

 This study can be used to lead a Discovery Bible study of the life of Christ.  This gives you a tool that you can use to help build up others in their understanding of Jesus.