
Kingdom Terminology & the Church, Pt 3

In Part 1 we observed the lack of Kingdom terminology has contributed to the Church loosing its way. We are self focused and off mission. We have lost the big picture. In Part 2 we highlighted the Scripture evidence regarding the relationship of the Church to the Kingdom. Currently we are Ambassadors with the message of the coming King, and eventually, we will reign with Christ in His administration! This week, let’s consider the positive effect Kingdom terminology can have to restore the Church.

(Authority) It starts with the word King. Jesus is our King. He has full authority over every area of our lives. We are a servant of the King. My only focus is to faithfully serve my King, to please my Master.

(Identity) I am a member of the Royal Family of the King. This means I represent Him everywhere I go. I must conduct every facet of my life in a manner worthy of my position in Christ. (personal life, family life, work life) Any failure in my life has the potential to bring shame upon the reputation of the Royal Family, and my King.

(Mission) As a member of the Royal Family, I serve as an Ambassador of the King. I have been sent out to foreign lands to represent Him. (my sphere of influence, the people I rub shoulders with every day)

(Prayer) To fulfill my role, I must maintain constant communication with My King. I have been instructed as to how to pray. My first and foremost petitions are to be related to His Kingdom work. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

(Bible Study) To fulfill my role, I must learn the policies of My King and be able to communicate them clearly and accurately to others.

(Local Church) I am assigned to a local embassy with other Ambassadors. We are to provide training, care and support to one another, so that each of us can fulfill our respective responsibilities.

(My Future) As I faithfully serve My King, He has promised to be with me always, to return for me, and to grant me the privilege to reign with Him forever.

Kingdom terminology properly used and understood, should lead to transformative Kingdom Thinking. We are not talking about flippantly sprinkling in the words “King” and “Kingdom” to sound more spiritual.
We are talking about a total new operating system for our souls and for our churches. “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Gal 2:20

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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