
Sharing God Stories

Over the coming weeks, we will all have opportunities to share God Stories.

Back in the day, we used to attend church on Sunday evenings. Once a month we had “Testimony Time.” To be honest, it was not my favorite Sunday. I suspect I carried a mental attitude of spiritual arrogance. “I don’t want to hear what other people have to say, I want to hear what God has to say in His Word.” Now 30 years later, I am beginning to appreciate the significance of “Testimony Time.” Here are three benefits:

Personal Spiritual Assessment

“Who has a testimony of what God has done in their life?” Ah yes, that uncomfortable question. The question that requires each person to come face to face with the spiritual vitality of their walk with the Lord. Can I point to a time in the last month where I saw God work in my life, or through my life to influence another person?

Genuine, Authentic Praise

Praise is the verbal declaration of the character and works of God, Ps 150. A personal testimony requires me to dig down deep and formulate genuine praise that is coming out from my soul. It requires intentional thought and effort. It requires a degree of boldness. It is in sharp contrast to the standard, passive, mouthing of the words that appear on a screen in front of me. That is the praise of a songwriter that has been shared with me. A personal testimony is praise that emanates from the depths of my soul to my Heavenly Father.

Ambassador Rehearsal

The Local Church gathering is like an all hands staff meeting of the Ambassadors that are stationed at that embassy. Having shared with my fellow Ambassadors, a personal testimony of what God has done in my life this last month, I am now ready to share My God Story with those in the foreign land to which I am assigned.

Sunday evening services are rare. For most of us today our opportunity for “Testimony Time” is in our small groups. I submit there is great value for us to hold each other accountable to share that recent God Story. 1) What has God done in my life recently 2) Verbally declare praise to God for what He is doing 3) Practice telling My God Story, so that I may be ready to show to a person who needs Jesus, that God is real, He is part of my everyday life.
The prayer is that my recent God Story may become the bait that opens the opportunity for me to tell My Salvation Story.

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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