
Sound Doctrine Matters

At the core of a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) is simplicity. To reproduce the process must be simple. Yet the second component of making disciples in Matt 28:20 is “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”

Consider the letters of Paul, they were written to normal people, not seminary students. The expectation is clearly for every believer to understand and live out his instructions. The truths in Eph 1 were not written to foster debate in theological journals. In Eph 4 Paul explains the knowledge of God is to provide spiritual stability, we are no longer to be tossed about by every new teaching. To the Colossians he wrote they were to become rooted, built up and established. (Col 2:6-8) This was to protect them from being taken captive by false teaching. To TImothy, Paul urged this young pastor to retain the standard of sound words that he had been taught. (what I am calling sound doctrine) All of this points to a comprehensive training process that brings about transformation and stability in the life of the believer.

The DM Series booklets are designed to support our efforts to teach and equip others all that Jesus has commanded. New this week is an updated version of DM Series 2 Foundations of our Faith. It has a doctrinal focus, covering the doctrines of God, man, sin and salvation – yet retains the Disciple Making Assignments intended to keep us accountable to our task of reaching lost people. I readily admit most do not get excited about “learning doctrine.” But I submit Paul has made it clear, these basic truths are what bring stability into the life of every believer. A firm grasp of the topics in DM2 provide the necessary foundation for us to build upon in our life long journey of following Jesus. I encourage you to check it out.

So how do we reconcile this tension between simplicity – vital to reproduction, and the comprehensive training required to become grounded in our faith? More on that next time.

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