
Compelling Truth

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The writers of the Declaration of Independence called certain truth "self-evident." Namely, there is a Creator God who created all men equal. Allow me to use the term "compelling truth." This is truth that demands the attention and response of…


Kingdom Terminology & the Church, Pt 3

In Part 1 we observed the lack of Kingdom terminology has contributed to the Church loosing its way. We are self focused and off mission. We have lost the big picture. In Part 2 we highlighted the Scripture evidence regarding the relationship of the Church to the Kingdom. Currently we are Ambassadors with the message of the coming King, and eventually, we will reign with Christ in His administration! This week, let's consider the positive…


Kingdom Terminology & the Church, Pt 2

Last week we noted there is a lack of Kingdom terminology used in the Church. Lack of Kingdom Thinking leads to a self focused Christian life. The affects this has had on the Church are devastating. But before we start throwing "kingdom" words around, what is the Biblical basis? What is the relationship of the Church to the Kingdom of God? Kingdom terminology is rooted in the promises of Gen 12 made to Abraham regarding…