
The Person of Peace

In our modern day understanding of making disciples and starting a disciple making movement, the "Person of Peace" has become a central element. What is a person of peace? and What is the Biblical background? In Luke 10, having taught all throughout Galilee, Jesus was moving the emphasis of His ministry to Judea. In preparation for that ministry, Jesus sent out an advance team of 70 disciples, "in pairs ahead of Him to every city…


A Prophetic Example from the Trellis & the Vine

Colin Marshall and Tony Payne published a pivotal book in 2009. They challenged ministry leaders to re-evaluate their focus. A trellis is meant to lift up and support the vine, so that the vine may produce much fruit. How foolish would it be for a vine grower to put all their effort in building an elaborate trellis while ignoring the health of the vine. And so it is with the American church. We direct all…


a DM Hearer vs. a DM Doer

About a year ago, during a lunch conversation with another pastor, he said this:"I am done reading the books, and going to the conferences on discipleship." We both had been on somewhat of a journey into the whole discipleship thing, "What exactly is Biblical discipleship?" "How do we do that today?" We had reached the saturation point. We have heard enough. Our knowledge tank was full. Fortunately we did not leave it there. We had…