
Version 1 Church

In years past as I read and studied the book of Acts, I filtered my study through the lens of “That was then, but this is now.” It was kind of like studying the events of the nation Israel in the OT. (You can pick up Life Principles, but need to be careful to keep in mind Israel lived under a different system, the Mosaic Law.) And so was my approach to the book of Acts, “That was then, but this is now.”
As part of my disciple making journey, I have come to realize, that was part of my (our) problem. I was able to rationalize away the differences between the church we read about in the book of Acts, with the church that I (we) experience today in America.

In the introduction to his book, Starfish Movement, Dan Grider presents a useful and insightful framework to discuss the state of the Church. He calls the church we read about in the book of Acts, Version 1 Church. The compelling observation of Version 1 Church is Reproduction, its rapid growth and spread throughout the entire Roman empire in the first 300 years. “And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:27; 4:4; 6:1; 9:31; 9:42; 11:21; 12:24; 19:20. Even secular history documents the spread of the Church.

Further study of the Church in Acts, reveals the 5 reoccurring Rhythms, starting with: they prayed, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word with boldness. (more detail on that in “What does it look like to Make Disciples” under the Welcome menu) The main point is the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses, promised on the day of the ascension, Acts 1:8, indwells every believer today.
“That was then, and That is still Now.”

Version 2 Church

But in 321 AD everything changed. Emperor Constantine came up with the bright idea, “Why are we persecuting half our population? Let’s make Christianity the religion of the state, and then we control it.” Problem solved. On that day, the Church fundamentally changed, and become an organization, with structure, complexity, professional staff, liturgy, and processes, all providing religious services to the people. On that day, the organic reproduction of Version 1 Church came to an end. And today, 1700 years later, the church in Western countries is still an organization with professionals, and processes providing religious services to the people.

Over the last 50 years, our church leaders have recognized something is wrong and have struggled to fix, and improve the effectiveness of Church. Creative and courageous leaders have transformed how we do church: the music, the preaching, smoke, videos, bands, coffee, cool events, every conceivable ministry offering, on and on… We are doing church better than we have ever done church.
But it is still Version 2. An organization providing religious services to passive religious consumers.

Okay that is a little harsh, but I submit acknowledging the nature of our Version 2 Church will allow us to begin to move to a Version 3 Church. The Church we read about in Acts, the church we hear about today in Asia and Africa. Churches striving to create a disciple making culture, equipping each believer to fulfill their role as Ambassadors of Christ, sent out to our daily spheres of influence, where we live, work and play.
Praying for our lost friends, Filled with the Holy Spirit, and Speaking the Word boldly. (and with skill…)

May the Lord use each of us to be part of a Disciple Making Movement within our sphere of influence.

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