
What Does is Look Like to Make Disciples?

Having defined what it is to be a Disciple of Jesus, we are ready to address the question; How do we as disciples fulfill the command to make disciples of others?  But first we have to establish, to whom does this command apply?  The actions of most believers seems to imply this command is given to a select few such as missionaries and pastors, those whom God has called into full time service.  There seems to be a two class system, those called to make disciples and “normal” believers. 

Who is to Make Disciples?

The text of Scripture is clear, every believer is called to make disciples who make disciples.  Two quick examples:

  1. The recursive structure of the Great Commission.  There is one command, make disciples, with two supporting verbal actions, baptizing and teaching them “to observe all that I commanded you.”   Well, that would include the command He just gave to make disciples.  Every believer is commanded to make disciples.  And Jesus has promised to be with us in this work, until the end of the age.  This promise should remind us, we cannot do this by our own strength, and the work of making disciples will be hard.  
  2. Paul introduces a new word picture, that of an ambassador in 2 Cor 5:14-21.  Paul is addressing anyone who,
    vs 17 is in Christ, they are a new creation. 
    vs 18 This is all from God who has reconciled us (all believers, all those in Christ) and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.  Every believer has been given the ministry of proclaiming to others the work of reconciliation that has been accomplished by Christ. Therefore
    vs 20 We, (all believers, all those in Christ) are ambassadors, who have an invitation to extend to those in our sphere of influence.  “We beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” 

These passages are consistent with many others, which are covered in the booklets.  Just as the Father has sent Jesus into the world, He has sent us, every believer, into the world with the message of reconciliation.  John 17:18-21; 20:21

I submit this is a HUGE Point.  No matter how many Bible studies I do, no matter how many church ministries I attend, before any tangible discipleship effort will flow out of my life, I must embrace my calling as an ambassador of Jesus Christ.  That is my identity, and it defines what I am to do.  I represent my King, Jesus Christ to the lost people in my life.  The DM series booklets reinforce this theme.     

How do We Make Disciples?

We do well to answer this by first looking at the Great Commission.  Jesus gave us two verbal actions that summarize the process. 

First, Baptizing them…  We cannot overstate this point, Making Disciples begins by reaching lost people.  On this point is where my prior understanding of making disciples fell short.  Discipleship is most often framed in the context of helping believers grow in their faith.  That is only half of the effort.  It begins where Jesus began, seeking out those who are lost.  The believer must learn the skills of beginning a spiritual conversation, telling their story, and clearly presenting the Gospel.  These are all addressed in the booklets available on this site. 

Second, Teaching them to observe… We follow up the new believer with a comprehensive process to teach them all that Jesus commanded us.  But it is not just knowledge transfer, the expectation is Life Change, to observe, to live it out. The Equipping Others DM Series booklets are designed as tools to assist us.  The equipping process is also where all of the other members of the body of Christ, the local church contribute to the building up of one another.  

The Five Rhythms (R1-R5) of Acts

Believers in the early church model for us the process of making disciples:
R1:  They Prayed                                                      Acts 1:14; 2:42; 4:31; 10:9; 12:5, 12

R2:  They were Filled with the Holy Spirit                         Acts 2:4; 4:8,31; 13:9, 52

R3:  They Spoke the Word of God with boldness                      Acts 4:8; 8:4; 13:46

R4:  They Endured Persecution                                                     Acts 4:3; 8:1-3

R5:  They Devoted themselves to Teaching, Fellowship & Prayer    Acts 2:42

R1 & R2 recognize our total dependence on God for enablement to make disciples. 

R3 is where we need to develop skill.  There is skill involved to begin a spiritual conversation.  There is skill required to tell my story in a compelling way, and there is skill needed to clearly explain the Gospel.  This all takes training.  The DM Series booklets are designed to help with this training. 

R4 cautions that we can expect this to be difficult. 

R5 provides the support and encouragement needed when ambassadors of Christ assemble together. 

Making disciples is the life long work of coming alongside others, wherever they are on their life journey, and speaking the Word of God into their lives such that they can take one step closer to Jesus.